Jurassic World Dominion Movie Review | review , story | movie site

Jurassic World Dominion Movie Review | movie site


A group of tourists (old cast of the Jurassic series meets new ones) must expose, survive and escape a dinosaur facility called Biosyn Sanctuary (an evil corporation involved in genetic mutation and research), restore ecological balance and protect Food chain. wine in new bottle, right?


 This movie takes place in the New Jurassic era, where humans and dinosaurs have to learn to live together. The bizarre genetic mutation of Biosyn threatens survival. They can cause deadly plagues of locusts that disturb the balance of nature. As this crisis unfolds, the three giants of the dinosaur world unite - Dr. Ellie Sattler (Laura Dern), Dr. Dr. Alan Grant (Sam Neill) and Ian Malco Mu (Jeff Goldblum) the hope of diving into a private valley. prevent ecology. ramp.

On a parallel track, Jurassic's new-age duo - Owen (Chris Pratt) and Claire (Bryce Dallas Howard) must also travel to Biosyn to rescue their girlfriend Maisie (Isabella Simon). The girl was abducted because she was "worthy of intellectual property".

Who has the lead over the plot in the Jurassic series, as long as you're too dull and freaked out by computer-generated giant extinct species, right? After all, it's just a money maker. Now that the plot is important, let’s first show how the two get along so well. Not every sequel will match the original, but even if you ignore the story, Colin Trevorrow wastes too much time trying to live up to your expectations for the so-called end-bite-sized survival action, horror and emotional bond.

After a rather far-reaching, twisty build, his jealous and chaotic survival saga was not revealed until the second half, which left no surprises and cloned the original. The Big Three have to escape Dinosaur Island in a helicopter while they take care of the kids, while Ellie and Ellen have to relive their romance, sigh.

While the fear and nervousness of jumping has no place in the '93 classic, there are some scenes that are quite intense, such as dinosaurs chasing Owen's bike or even performing parkour stunts. Jeff Goldblum's signature one-liners are again the highlight of a fairly predictable film.

Steven Spielberg set the bar too high in 1993, when he first introduced us to a fictional dinosaur island, aka Jurassic Park, and a group of tourists on a tour if something went wrong How to Survive. After gaining enormous worldwide fame, thanks to multi-episode plots over the years, the only goal was to take advantage of the success of the original without rebuilding the survival thriller series.

However, one can not hold on too long, because anything that refuses to adapt or evolve runs the risk of extinction. Jurassic World: Reign has its moments, but they are few and far between. Instead, try watching the first movie again

Four years after the destruction of Isla Nublar, dinosaurs now live next to humans all over the world. Because of their novelty, a black market for dinosaurs has opened, and they are sold as exotic pets. There is even a scene in Malta where dinosaurs are made to fight each other and humans act as gladiators. This is part of the story. Another cage revolved around a dastardly plot by genetic laboratory Biosyn to raise pigeon-sized locusts. The main plot involves the abduction and rescue of human children as well as dinosaurs.

After the previous film, the couple join forces in the new trilogy Owen Grady (Chris Pratt) and Claire Deering (Bryce Dallas Howard) with Maisie Lockwood (Isabella Saylor). Mon) lives together in the forest area and we know she's a clone of her own mother. She has unique genes and someone is looking for her, so she needs to be protected. She has been kidnapped and her adoptive parents are looking for her. At the same time, we have reintroduced the main characters from the original trilogy. Dr. Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) warns his friends and fellow scientists Dr. Alan Grant (Sam Neill) and Dr. Ellie Sattler (Laura Deng) Eun) about the crime committed by Biosyn and they come down to investigate.

The two lines merged when Owen and Claire went to and from school. In a series of disasters that parody the first Jurassic Park movie, things go awry on campus, culminating in its total destruction. Both the younger and older cast members have a variety of hair widths to escape without actual damage, and eventually escape with the help of waste pilot Kayla Watts (Dwanda Wise).

The production value of this film is out of this world. It uses 18 animatronics of various sizes to give viewers a realistic experience. A lot of CGI was used to make the dinosaurs look as realistic as possible. According to current theories, full-length dinosaurs were also included in the mix. Computer images blend seamlessly with real images. You can not figure out where reality ends and fiction begins. Most of the key moments of the film are shot from a human perspective, which gives us an immersive feeling. Your eyes fly from corner to corner of the IMAX screen, wanting to see it all in one sitting. The background soundtrack is also in sync with the movie.

While the film offers a great visual spectacle, it falls short when it comes to stories. The intricate plot is more about locusts having large doves than about dinosaurs terrorizing the world. Then governments all over the world will kill the tuatara and stop the epidemic. Dinosaurs would take over the jungle and exterminate other animals, gradually turning to humans as they were allowed to reproduce without control. None of this appears in the film. Finally, the fact that mammals assimilated their reptilian ancestors into their ecosystems is completely unscientific. An extremely guarded secret property is destroyed, followed by an incredibly easy escape. It is as if God leads our heroes at every turn. Yes, you go to the movies to escape the reality, but there is only so much that you can prolong the break of disbelief. In the first Jurassic Park movie, you felt the constant tension, not the abundance of CGI dinosaurs. It is said that less is more one of the cornerstones of a good movie. 

The ensemble cast seemed to have a great time, but were heroically amidst the deceived chaos. Fans will love the new romance of Ellie and Ellen. The spark between Laura Dern and Sam Neill is still alive after 30 years.

The film provided a great broadcast for the cast of the original trilogy and somehow ended in a bow. But it serves no purpose other than to enjoy greatness of service. Note its visual appeal and the nostalgia it offers.

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